Maximalism As A Means to an End

Ok, these took me some time.
I spend, arguably, too much time scrolling through TikTok (the only person arguing with me is me, but still). But apparently, the app is good for something other than reducing me to a common toddler who’s been given an iPad for the first time. Enter Sara!

Sara Camposarcone has gained a following on TikTok and Instagram for her self titled “sustainable maximalist” style and outfit choices. There is many a commenter who express their joy over her colourful and eye-catching pairings, a large portion of which are found second hand.

In a stroke of luck, after she came up on my homepage, I realized Sara local to my area. I sent her an email letting her know I thought she was super cool, and that I would love to shoot and create something together. Lucky for me, she said yes!

This shoot was very much out of my normal wheel house, especially after we lost our lovely sunset lighting behind a giant cloud. I knew I wanted to do something fun in post production, that reflected Sara’s aesthetic, and these are the ones I feel the best about. It was frustrating, and I struggled as a perfectionist, but I’m very happy with the end results. I still may come back to a few of the other photos eventually. I am especially fond of the cubism inspired background in image 1, as well as the orange outline designs in image 3, and the Warhol inspired collage. That one was super fun to make.

Thank you Sara for working with me, it was wonderful to make some photos, and a new friend! Thanks as well to Payton M for your help.

You can find Sara’s socials at @saracampz on TikTok, @sarcamposarcone on Instagram, and check out her shop here for some cool rings and accessories!
