Paper Insects II

If you know me as a person and as a photographer, you’ll know how important my friends are to me. I’ve happily spent the past few years (especially during my degree) cheerfully volun-telling them they would be assisting in my projects. Whether behind or in front of the camera, they each bring something to the table that helps me get the results I’m looking for. Don’t worry, these are symbiotic relationships, and I help them out too.

A lot of my recent work has featured my partner, and close friends from post secondary education. I love them dearly, but I have been meaning to involve Pooja in a proper photo project for a long time.

Pooja Patel was a key component to making my high school experience as good as it was. Without her friendship and our shared friends, I’m sure I would have been much worse off. For as long as I’ve known her, she’s been a fierce friend, talented creative, and an academics whirlwind.

Pooj, I’m so proud of you! It was my pleasure to have you be part of the Paper Insects project, in the classic “Pooja Patel Blue” no less. Click on images below to view them larger!

Thanks again Pooja, for tarzan-ing all over the beach to help me get the right photo. Thanks as well to my partner Payton M for assisting. We were all fortunate enough at the end to see an adorable family of foxes on our walk back. A little nature magic that matched the vibes of this evening.

If you want to see more work, the first instalment of this project is the very first blog post on this site. Thanks everyone <3
